The General Opinion.

About Luis Blasini

Luis Blasini's off-the-grid desperado lifestyle caused him much discomfort over the years, but the rest of us can only benefit from the writings of a man who rode the rails with the hobos and grifters across America and south of the border. With seven published novels, Luis Blasini’s writing takes us to places both mysterious and strange with a hint of danger, seedy locales most sane people would avoid. His writing is undeniable straight talk from a guy who's fallen, dusted himself off, and climbed right back on the rods for another ride to Wherever. Here is his renown blog for over a decade describing in detail a life of dire sadness and wayward triumph. Born in the Deep South to a lower upper middle class family, Luis Blasini was raised in Los Angeles, California as an ardent fan of the arts. Attending film school and majoring in English Literature at a Southern California University - Luis was influenced by avant-garde film directors and well-read in the written works of the Beat Generation. Graduating with honors in both Cinema Direction and Literature, Uninterested by the plastic existence of Los Angeles, he relocated to the slums of Tijuana, Mexico where, integrating with the junkies, thieves, male hustlers, and notorious expat homosexuals of Zona Norte, the Author continued to keep detailed journals of his deliciously degenerate lifestyle among the back alleys of the border slums. Going on a ‘Kerouac Kick’, he left Tijuana and for a decade wandered aimlessly as a self-proclaimed ‘hobosexual’ - traveling and exploring via squalid hotels and homeless shelters the span of the United States, Caribbean, Central and South Americas.
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